Jagriti Pande

Design leadership | USER RESEARCH

I help organizations design strategic experiments

to accelerate their product-market fit.

this is what I have been upto

UX Gorilla - 2018-Present

  • Founder and Educator-UX Research and Design
  • UX Immersion Program-16 weeks extensive program for UX Beginners to learn and apply UX
  • Coaching Product Teams and Leaders in User Research
  • Udemy Course on UX Audit and Effective Feedback
  • Students placed in Google, Airtel, Lollypop Design, SAP, Bevkoof, Shipmnts to name a few

Visit Website | Read Testimonials | Checkout Udemy Courses

ElpisDesign LLP - 2015-21

  • Co-founded a Product Development Agency that I sold in 20​21
  • Responsible for everything Design. Built the team from 2 to ​15
  • Accumulated 5000+ hours of User Research. Responsible for User Research, Product Validation, Prototyping, a​nd Development in the domain of Child Development, Education, E-commerce, Renewable Energy, and Fashi​on
  • 100% Bootstrapped and profitab​le
  • Worked with startups and corporates worldwide including India, UK, Australia, US, and Singapo​re
  • Experience in conducting qualitative research including observational research, user shadowing, rapid prototypin​g, contextual enquiry, User Testing, and User Intervie​ws

Design Jungle Community - 2019-Present

  • Founder
  • Built a community of 5000+ UX learners called Design Jungle in the Delhi NCR region of India.
  • Conducted and hosted many workshops for/at Google Ggm, Paytm, Nagarro, Internshala.
  • The revenue from​ these workshops funded education and wheelchairs for children in slums.​

American India Foundation - 2015

  • Worked on a self-initiated research sponsored by AIF on accessibility of streetscape of Delhi.
  • Audited 54 sites physically on the accessibility parameters for persons with disabilities.
  • Interviewed 83 persons with disabilities across the spectrum to document their experience of navigating in urban ​Delhi. The suggested improvements were included in the Indian Government Accessible India Campaign.
  • This research was also part of the Master Thesis at NIFT and has been referenced by 3000+ research papers so far.

NIFT Delhi- 2013-15

  • AIR -04 in NIFT Entrance Exam
  • Worked on projects for Persons with Disabilities
  • M.Design with Gold Medal

Some selected CASE STUDIES


project KS*

An Indian fashion export house wanted to launch their own ​fashion brand in South East Asia. I helped them understand ​the shopping preferences of Singaporean women, their ​current shopping behavior, and build an e-commerce store ​and brand strategy based on that. The research my team ​and I conducted laid the foundation for the design of their ​clothing collection, their brand strategy, and their e-​commerce store. They had a successful launch in Singapore.

My Contribution

• User Research and Documentation -

Secondary Research, User Interviews, ​Contextual Enquiry, User Testing

• Product Validation -Research ​informed the decisions regarding the ​next clothing collection

• Headed the UX Design and User ​Testing

*Name changed to protect ​confidentiality


Happy DNA

A training and development company working with

parents wanted to scale their offering using Technology.

I worked with the company to validate their business model ​in a lean manner without investing in any product ​development.

Though research invalidated their initial

hypothesis, they were able to understand and test

an alternate model.

My Contribution

• User Research and Documentation -

Secondary Research, User Interviews, ​Contextual Enquiry, User Testing.

• Interviewed 18 Moms from across India ​in the

demographics of - Working Moms, New ​Moms,

Homemaker Moms and Moms with two ​kids.


People Infinia

People Infinia was built as a marketplace for HR consultants. ​The people in their

team were experienced and had a lot of assumptions about ​how recruitment works. Throughout the product ​development, I helped them validate these


Before the company got acquired by an international HR ​recruitment firm, I helped them build experiments to ​validate the hypothesis with potential

customers. I also helped bring the idea to life through ​research, strategy and design.

People Infinia was awarded 20 Most Promising HR Tech ​Startup - 2019.

My Contribution

Usability Testing with Prototype

• Remote User Interviews

• Managed a team of 2 designers

• Design QA

* It was acquired by a Recruitment ​Organization during Covid


WorkKey (Tangish)

Task and Responsibilities Management in a large-​organization is a massive challenge which most task ​management tools are not designed to handle. WorkKey ​was created to help with that.

I worked on their current product to optimize Usability and ​reduce support requests and at the same time help them to ​create a better User Experience which involved a product ​revamp over a course of 4 months.

The main challenge for me was I had no access to the real ​users (There was a long approval/hiring process before ​getting into the Banks where the product was being used). ​So we had to rely on support tickets, behavioral data and ​heuristics.

I did a very thorough UX Audit of 142 User Stories for the ​current product, suggested improvements that led to ​increase in overall satisfaction and reduction in hours of ​customer service they clocked by over 38%

My Contribution

• UX Audit

• Design Management of Client’s UX ​team

•Lofi and Highfi prototyping

• Design QA


Accessibility of Streetscape of Delhi

Worked on a self-initiated research project on the ​accessibility of streetscapes in Delhi, the capital of India. The ​goal was to understand how easy it is for persons with ​disabilities to navigate in a city. I audited 54 sites and ​interviewed 100+ persons with disabilities.

This research was taken up by the Government of India for its ​Accessible India Campaign. This paper has been cited 3000+ ​times and counting.

My Contribution

  • Research
  • Planning User Interviews
  • Accessibility Audits
  • Documentation


wearable swimtech - horizon scanning

Worked on a research project for a swimwear brand where I ​did secondary research on the current market and did a small ​primary study with swimmers to understand the ​opportunities in wearable swimwear.

My Contribution

  • Secondary Research
  • Interviews
  • Lo-fi Prototyping


Culture Designing for a Unicorn Startup

Worked with a team of 40+ members consisting of Product ​Designers and Product Managers of an Indian Unicorn with its ​HQ in California.

I was approached by someone from their design leadership ​team to find the underlying frustration they were sensing from ​his teammates and the lack of accountability and quality of ​work.

I facilitated workshops, personal interviews, anonymous ​surveys and ran a 4 month training. The organization has ​recently been awarded Great Places to work with post all ​these interventions.

My Contribution

  • Stakeholder Alignment
  • Interviews
  • Workshop Facilitation

in​terested in working together?

Get in touch

  • Email - jagriti.pande@gmail.com
  • LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jagritipande/